How Family-Owned Business Owners Can Help

The estate tax undermines and threatens the long-term security of family-owned businesses, and those who are employed by a family-owned businesses, across the U.S. Alert your network by sharing our one-pager on the estate tax and urge Congress to repeal the estate tax by signing our petition.
Fairness Taxation at death is unjust, and ending that practice is the right thing to do.
Finance Repealing the estate tax will allow you to invest in your employees and grow your business.
Facts This site will allow your network to easily learn about the harmful effects of the estate tax and to urge Congress to repeal it.


Family Business
Family Business

Taxation at death is unfair, and repealing it is the right thing to do.

Death should not result in tax on the full value of your assets, at the highest tax rate in the U.S. tax code. The estate tax is a form of double and even triple taxation. The taxes have already been paid on those estates, whether through income, capital gains, property, sales, etc

The estate tax destroys family-owned businesses.

The American dream is about working hard, playing by the rules, and hopefully doing well enough to leave a legacy for your family. The estate tax punishes Americans who try to pass along their life’s work to the next generation.

By sharing Why Ditch the Estate Tax and urging Congress to repeal the estate tax by signing our petition, you will be helping family-owned businesses grow, create more jobs, and leave a legacy for their families and communities.

Estate Tax Horror Stories

Many family-owned businesses cannot afford to pay estate tax and are forced to sell their businesses to corporations that are not subject to the tax. Businesses that survive after paying the tax are weakened, and are often forced to layoff loyal employees. Read some of their stories below: